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Página actualizada a 05-10-2011
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Filosofia latina

Filosofia no mundo latino


Renascimento carolíngio

Marenbon, John, From the Circle of Alcuin to the School of Auxerre. Logic, Theology and Philosophy in the Early Middle Ages, (Cambridge Studies in Medieval Life and Thought, 3th series, 14), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1981.


Século XI

Cantin, A., Foi et dialectique au XIe siècle, Editions du Cerf, Paris 1997.

Holopainen, Toivo J., Dialectic and Theology in the Eleventh Century (Studien und Texte zur Geistesgeschichte des Mittelalters, 54) E.J. Brill, Leiden 1996.


Renascimento do século XII

Benson, R.L. – G. Constable – Carol D. lanham (eds.), Renaissance and Renewal in the Twelfth Century, Clarendon Press, Oxford 1982

Biard Joël (dir.), Langage, sciences, philosophie au XIIe siècle. Actes de la table ronde internationale des 25-26 mars 1998, (Sic et Non) Vrin, Paris 1999.

Clagett, M., – G. Post – R. Reynolds (eds.), Twelfth-Century Europe and the Foundations of Modern Society, The University of Wisconsin Press, Madison and London, 1966.

Dronke, P. (ed.), A History of Twelfth-Century Western Philosophy, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1988.


Século XIII

Bianchi, Luca (cur), La filosofia nelle Università. Secoli XIII-XIV, (Biblioteca di cultura, 216) La Nuova Itália ed., Firenze 1997.

Van Steenberghen, La philosophie au XIII.e siècle, (Philosophes médiévaux, 28) Institut Supérieur de Philosophie – Peeters, Louvain la Neuve 1991 (2ème édition mise à jour).

Weijers, Olga, Le maniement du savoir. Pratiques intellectuelles à l’époque des premières universités (XIIIe-XIVe siècles), (Studia artistarum. Études sur la Faculté des arts dans les Universités médiévales. Subsidia) Brepols, Turnhout 1996.


Séculos XIV-XV

Bianchi, Luca (cur), La filosofia nelle Università. Secoli XIII-XIV, [cit. secção anterior].

wiezawski, Stefan, Histoire de la philosophie européenne au XVe siècle, ed. Mariusz Prokopowicz, Beauchesne éd., Paris 1990.


Séculos XV-XVI

Blackwell, C.  – S. Kusikawa (eds.), Philosophy in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. Conversations with Aristotle, Vivarium Aldershot 1999.

Sarton, George, The Appreciation of Ancient and Medieval Science During the Renaissance : 1450-1600, University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia 1955.

Schmitt, Ch. – Quentin Skinner (eds.), The Cambridge History of Renaissance Philosophy, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1988.

Trinkaus, Charles, Renaissance Transformations of Late Medieval Thought, (Variorum Collected Studies Series, 671), Ashgate, Aldershot 1999.

C. Vasoli (cur.), Le filosofie del rinascimento, Milano, Bruno Mondadori Editori, 2002.


Séculos XVII (escolástica moderna)

Ariew, Roger, Descartes and the Last Scholastics, Cornell University Press, Ithaca NY 1999.

Courtine, Jean-François: Suarez et le système de la métaphysique, PUF, Paris 1990.

Garber, Daniel – Ayers, Michael (eds): The Cambridge History of Seventeenth-Century Philosophy, 2 vol., Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1998.

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