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Página impressa a 12-03-2025

Base de dados de Comentários às obras de Aristóteles produzidos por autores do Renascimento

Valla (Vallius), Paulus, S.J.

Cronologia/autor 1561 Rome - 1622 June 26 Perugia
Portugal (nasc.); ensino (percurso)
Espanha (nasc.); ensino (percurso)
Bibliografia Sommervogel, VIII, 418; Villoslada, R, 324, 327, 329, 331. W. A. Wallace, Galileo's Early Notebooks: the Physical Questions (Notre Dame, Ind. 1977) passim; id., 'Medieval and Renaissance Sources of Modern Science ', Proceedings of the Patristic, Medieval, and Renaissance Studies Conference II (Villanova, Pa. 1977) 1-17; id., 'Galileo Galilei and the Doctores Parisienses ', in: New Perspectives on Galileo (ed. R. C. Butts and J. C. Pitt; Dordrecht 1977) 87-138; id., 'Causes and Forces in Sixteenth Century Physics ', Isis, 69 (1978) 400-412; id., 'Galileo's Knowledge of the Scotistic Tradition ',in: Regnum hominis et regnum Dei: Acta quarti congressus scotistici internationalis (Rome 1978) II, 313-320; id., 'Galileo's Citations of Albert the Great ', Southwestern Journal of Philosophy, 10 (1980) 261-283; id., ' Galileo and Scholastic Theories of Impetus ', Studi sul XIV secolo in memoria di Anneliese Maier (ed. A. Maicrù et al.; Rome 1981) 275-297.
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