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Página impressa a 12-03-2025

Expositio super libros De anima

Autor Caietanus (Thomas de Vio), O .P.
Cronologia/autor 1468 Feb. 20 Gaeta-1534 Aug. 10 Rome
Portugal (nasc.); ensino (percurso)
Espanha (nasc.); ensino (percurso)
Bibliografia Quétif, Il, 14-21; Chevalier, BB, Il, 4695; DThC, Il (1905) 1313-1329; DE, Il (1926) 47-50; Catholicisme, II (1949) 367-369; DHGE, XI (1949) 248-252; RGG', I (1957) 1582 f; EFil, l (1957) 1528-1530; LThK', II (1958) 875 f.; Cosenza, I, 3401 f.; V, 1753. Prantl, IV, 272; Risse, LN, I, 210-212; W ulf, III, 69 f.; Gilson, 800 f.; C. Giacon, La Seconda Scolastica (Milan 1944) I, 37- 162; Garin, Storia, 508 f., 567. Li t.: M.-J. Congar, ' Bio-bibliographie de Cajétan ', RThom, 39 (1934-1935) 3-49; T. Bozza, 'Saggio bibliografico', RFNS, 27, Suppl. (1935) 163-166; P. Wyser, Der Thomismus (Bern 1951) 28-31; Lohr, 28 (1975) 693 f. Stegmtiller, RB, V 381-391; Michelitsch, 4f.
Obra Expositio super libros De anima
Obra de Aristóteles Comentada De anima
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Observações Note: Frénaud, art. cit., suggests the existence of a De anima commentary earlier than § 9. The MS Firenze S. Marco arm. 4 cod. 31 (now BLaur. S. Marco 62) cited by Quétif contains a De anima-commentary not by Cajetan, but by Caietanus dc Thiene (q.v.).*
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Pág. Lohr 72

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