Tree of consanguinity and affinity
Tree of consanguinity and affinity added at the end of the 'Tabula theologie'. The tree, whose intertwines suggest an initial rooting, is framed by a king and a queen represented in coloured drawings at the base of the tree. The degree of relative consanguinity is illustrated with a tree filled with rows, depicting the ties between family members, presenting the biological link between different persons and reconstructing the ordered sequence of generations within a family group.
Manuscript number
Arundel 381, f. 173v
British Library
Sigrid Krämer, Handschriftenerbe des deutschen Mittelalters, 3 vols, Mittelalterliche Bibliothekskataloge Deutschlands und der Schweiz, Supplement 1, ed. by Bernhard Bischoff (Munich: Beck, 1989-1990), II (1989), 533.
Genealogy/Consanguinity/Kinship/Affinity Tree/Pyramid/Chart