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© 2025 From Data to Wisdom
Página actualizada a 01-06-2021
Página impressa a 12-03-2025



Book of Abstracts

14th June 2021

Digital Room / Session 1

Porto 9.30 (GMT +01:00)

Opening session 

Porto 10.00 (GMT +01:00)

Chair: Alessandro Palazzo


Ayelet Even-Ezra (Hebrew University of Jerusalem), Trees between cultures: simple tree diagrams in Latin, Syriac, Greek and Hebrew

Pippa Salonius (Monash University, New Zealand), Ordo and Nature in the Trees of Sculpted Narrative at Orvieto Cathedral

zoom link:

Digital Room / Session 2

Porto 16.00 (GMT +01:00)

Chair: Valeria Buffon


Lídia Queiroz (IF-FLUP), Visualizing wisdom in diagrams and charts of medieval and early modern Medicine

María Cecilia Rusconi (Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, Argentina),

A new version of the sigillum aeternitatis. The Opus circa speculare aenigma uniuersi by Heymericus de Campo (1395-1460)

zoom link:

15th June 2021

Digital Room / Session 1

Porto 10.30 (GMT +01:00)

Chair: Alessandra Beccarisi


Yael Barash (Tel Aviv University), The illustrations of Hildegard of Bingen?s Visions in Lucca Codex: Between Visions and Nature

Martín González Fernández (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela), El estómago y los pies. (Bernardo de Claraval contra Arnaldo de Brescia)

Evelina Miteva (Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca), What Melancholy Looks Like? Visualisations and Interpretations of Melancholy in the Middle Ages

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Digital Room / Session 2

Porto 16.00 (GMT +01:00)

Chair: Maarten Hoenen


Francesca Galli (Università della Svizzera italiana), Attraverso lo specchio: le proprietà (meta-) fisiche delle superfici riflettenti nel pensiero teologico duecentesco

Tamar Tsopurashvili (Ilia State University, Georgia), Metaphor as a source of visualization of cognitive process in Meister Eckhart's Metaphysics

Luciano Micali (Charles University of Prague), Visual Perception and Knowledge of God in Jean Gerson's Tractatus de oculo

zoom link:

21st June 2021

Digital Room / Session 1

Porto 10.30 (GMT +01:00)

Chair: Alexander Fidora


Anna Rustioni (Facoltà di Teologia di Lugano), Ubi amor, ibi oculos. Il nesso tra visione e amore in Riccardo di San Vittore

Paula Oliveira e Silva & João Rebalde (IF-FLUP), O debate sobre a produção do conceito universal a partir da representação fantástica, no Comentário ao De anima de Marcos Jorge, S.I.

Roberto Hofmeister Pich (PUCRS), Dialectics, Visual Tools and the Methods of Learning: Exploring 'Visual Cognition' in Manuscripts on Logic by Jesuits Masters from Ecuador (17th-18th Centuries)

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Digital Room / Session 2

Porto 16.00 (GMT +01:00)

Chair: Katja Krause


Nicolas Vaughan (Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá), Adam of Wodeham?s Theory of Perception: A Disjunctivist Approach

Peter John Hartman (Loyola University Chicago), The Reflex Theory of the Beatific Vision: Durand of St.-Pourçain's Theory of Reflex Acts

zoom link:

22nd June 2021

Digital Room / Session 1

Porto 10.30 (GMT +01:00)

Chair: Mikhail Khorkov

Arianna Dalla Costa (The Warburg Institute, London), Lunar Mansions as Celestial Images in the Thirteenth-Century De Signis Astronomicis

Maria Manuela Brito Martins (Universidade Católica Portuguesa), Représentations et schémas graphiques de la species visibilis dans le De homine d'Albert le Grand

José Higuera (IF-FLUP), The Visualization of Motion: Averroes and Albertus Magnus

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Digital Room / Session 2

Porto 16.00 (GMT +01:00)

Chair: Roberto Hofmeister Pich

Alessandro Palazzo (Università di Trento), Et ego quidem nunc fabricabo circulum. Images and visual representations in the geomantic treatise Estimaverunt Indi

 Aníbal Szapiro (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina), Visual Representations of Light in Oresme's De visione stellarum

David Rollo (University of Southern California), Vision, Knowledge and Nature in Alain de Lille's De planctu Naturae 

Porto 17.30 (GMT +01:00)

Conclusions: José Meirinhos

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For more information on the colloquium, e-mail: /

© 2025 From Data to Wisdom. Página actualizada a 01-06-2021
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