Ana Ferreira has a degree in Philosophy and a Master in Medieval Philosophy, both from the Faculty of Arts of the University of Porto. Her Master's dissertation was about the theory of abstraction in the Commentary of Petrus Hispanus to the De anima of Aristotle. Currently, she is a member of the Institute of Philosophy of the University of Porto and she is a research fellowship holder to work in the team of the project "Critical Edition and Study of the works Attributed to Petrus Hispanus-1".
Armando Malheiro is Full Professor of the Department of Communication and Information Sciences, Faculty of Arts, University of Porto. He holds a degree in History from the University of Porto and a Philosophy degree from the Portuguese Catholic University and a post-graduate degree in Library Science and Archivology from the University of Coimbra and a PhD in Contemporary History of Portugal from the University of Minho. He works as a guest professor and as a researcher-collaborator in scientific projects and master's, doctoral and postdoctoral programs in several Brazilian universities. He participates as a member of Qualifying examinations of Masters and PhD thesis in Portuguese, Spanish and Brazilian universities.
Celeste Pedro is a communication designer graduated at the Fine Arts Faculty in Porto, Portugal. Her main focuses have since been typography and editorial design. While working for ten years in design agencies she did her Masters in Design and Intermedia at the University of Barcelona, Spain. Her studies on dictionaries' design, have led her closer to the field of History of Typography and to the engagement in various language courses, workshops and summer schools related to the edition of texts and book production. In the past years, she specialised in early printed books and palaeography while conducting her PhD research on History of Portuguese Print Culture in the Sixteenth Century, funded by FCT. She is currently a researcher for the project "From Data to Wisdom" at the Instituto de Filosofia of the University of Porto, where she continues her work on early-modern Portuguese authors and printers.
Celia López has a PhD in Classical Philology, a Master in Ancient and Medieval Studies, a MA in Classical Philology and a MA in Philosophy, all from the Universitat Autònoma of Barcelona, where she was also an Assistant Professor. She made also international research stays at the Centro Italiano di Lullismo (Rome), Raimundus-Lullus-Institut (Freiburg), and the University of Chicago. Currently, she is a Postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Philosophy, University of Porto. As main publications, she worked on these critical editions: (1) Petrus Thomae, Tractatus breuis de modis distinctionum, (2) Guido Terreni, Confutatio errorum quorundam magistrorum, (3) Ramon Llull, Liber nouus de anima rationali. Currently she participates in these competitive research projects: (1) "The Early Latin Reception of Aristotle's De anima. Critical Edition and Systematic Study of the Psychological Works attributed to Petrus Hispanus" and (2) "The construction of Western European identity: Texts, contexts and discourses of controversy against Islam and Judaism".
Dario Rodighiero is a postdoctoral associate at the Faculty of Comparative Media Studies, of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and research affiliate of the EPFL Digital Humanities Laboratory. The Swiss National Science Foundation is currently funding his studies in the United States. Besides the "From Data to Wisdom", he is dedicated to the ongoing project "Worldwide Map of Research".
Enrico Terrone is an associate researcher at the "Politics of Images" programme and at the "Documédialité" research project, and a Postdoctoral fellow at Collège d'études mondiales. He is currently a Postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Philosophy and Education Sciences in Turin. He is an engineer in electronics (Politecnico di Torino) and a Doctor of Philosophy (Università di Torino). His areas of research are aesthetics, ontology and the philosophy of the mind, in particular in regard to the relationships between philosophy and cinema. After receiving his PhD, he was a researcher at the Käte Hamburger Kolleg "Recht als Kultur" in Bonn and at the Collège d'études mondiales in Paris (with an FMSH - Gerda Henkel Stiftung grant). He is a member of the "Mind and Language Research Group" at the Institut Jean Nicod in Paris. He is on the editorial committee of Brill Research Perspectives in Art and Law, Rivista di Estetica and Segnocinema. He has lectured in "History and Cinema Criticism" for years at Piémont Oriental University.
João Rebalde holds a PhD in Philosophy from the University of Porto, with a thesis on the thought of the Jesuit Luis de Molina, and was postdoctoral fellowship in the project Critical Edition and Study of the Works Attributed to Petrus Hispanus. He is currently a researcher of the Institute of Philosophy of the University of Porto, where he works on the commentaries of Jesuit teachers on Aristotle's De generatione et corruptione, in particular Marcos Jorge, Francisco Suárez, Cristóvão Gil and Pedro Luis. His main research interests are Neoplatonism, Medieval and Early Modern Philosophy. In these areas, he has participated in projects on the reception of Aristotelian texts, De anima commentaries and Iberian scholasticism, having delivered numerous communications and written several articles.
Lídia Queiroz is a Post-Doc researcher hired for the project "From Data to Wisdom". As a research fellowship holder of Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, she did the European Diploma in Medieval Studies in Italy (Rome), was a guest scholar at the Center for the History of Philosophy and Science in Holland (Nijmegen) and was a Post-Doc researcher at the Center of Philosophy of Science of the University of Lisbon. She has mainly focused her research on the study of fourteenth-century atomism and, extending the scope of investigation, interweaved the study of the history of atomism with Gaston Bachelard's epistemology, giving a special relevance to atomistic imagery. Currently, she develops a project on imagination and visualization of images in Giordano Bruno's thought.
Luca Possati is a researcher of the Institute of Philosophy at the University of Porto. He has a degree in Philosophy and a Ph.D. in History of Philosophy and History of Ideas, both from the University La Sapienza (Rome). Before the current position, he was an associate researcher in Philosophy at Catholic University of Toulouse, a lecturer in Philosophy at Catholic University of Paris, a visiting scholar in École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, a visiting scholar at the University of Louvain-la-Neuve, an associate researcher in Fonds Ricoeur, and a post-doctoral in Catholic University of Paris. His research fields are: phenomenology, hermeneutics, contemporary philosophy, logic, philosophy of mathematics, and digital humanities.
Cecilia Rusconi has a PhD in Philosophy from the University of Buenos Aires. She currently works as a CONICET researcher in the field of Medieval Philosophy with special attention to the Nicholas of Cusa, Thierry de Chartres and Heimerico del Campo. She has taught undergraduate and graduate seminars at UBA, UCA and UNL. She is author of numerous publications in relevant journals, such as Mitteilungen und Forschungsbeiträge der Cusanus-Gesellschaft (MFCG) and Annals of the Seminar on the History of Philosophy, as well as editor of books and manuscripts together with important national and international medievalists. She has carried out several research stays abroad. In 2015, she made a valuable contribution to cultural heritage with the transfer and importation of the Klaus Reinhardt scientific library made up of more than five thousand five hundred volumes to IMHICIHU-CONICET thanks to grants from the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) and CONICET.
Marta Severo is Associate Professor in Communication at the University of Paris Nanterre (Dicen laboratory). Her research focuses on digital methods for social sciences and representations of space on the Internet. She coordinates a project on cultural participatory platforms. After receiving a doctorate in cultural heritage management and technologies from the IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca (Italy), she was postdoctoral fellow at the Politecnico of Milan, at Sciences Po Paris and at the International College of Territorial Sciences in Paris. Then, she was Associate Professor at the University of Lille. She is Deputy Director of the Dicen laboratory. Her research focuses on action research in social sciences through web-based data. Her research activities focus on two thematic areas: (1) the collaborative construction of cultural heritage and memories on the web and (2) the digital representations of place and space. She has obtained several funding (H2020, ANR, Labex, CNRS, ESPON, UNESCO).
Michel Kabalan is a member of the Institute of Philosophy and the Seminar of Medieval Literature, Thought and Society, both at the University of Porto. He is a PhD student in Arabic Studies at Freie Universität Berlin and a Master in Philosophy, having also a degree in Biology with minor in Philosophy and Literature from the American University of Beirut. At Freie Universität Berlin, he is a member of the Department of History and Cultural Studies and he was assistant to several courses at the Arab Studies Seminar. At the American University of Beirut, he was a student of General Philosophy and Medieval Arabic Philosophy and an assistant of the Director of the Literature Program "Anis Maqdisi".
Paula Oliveira e Silva is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Porto, where she teaches Ontology and Medieval Philosophy. At the Institute of Philosophy of the University of Porto, she is the Principal Investigator of the research group "Reason, Science and Nature in Medieval Philosophy", she collaborates in projects funded by FCT and internal projects, as well as collaborates on international research projects. She has as personal projects studies in the scope of the Iberian Scholasticism and Augustinian Studies, the latter with the journal "Civitas Augustiniana" (of which she is the Director) and the preparation of Portuguese editions of the works "De Vera Religione" and "De diversis quaestionibus octoginta tribus".
Paulo Tunhas is a Professor at the Department of Philosophy of the University of Porto, teaching Modern and Contemporary Philosophy at graduate and undergrate levels. At the Institute of Philosophy, he is a member of the research groups "Mind, Language and Action Group" and "Phenomenology and Hermeneutics". He did his studies of Philosophy in Porto, Cambridge and Paris. He has a PhD from the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris.
Simone Guidi has a PhD in Philosophy from the University Sapienza of Rome. He is a Associate Professor for the area of History of Philosophy (Italian National Scientific Qualification) and a FCT Post-Doc researcher at the University of Coimbra's Instituto de Estudos Filosóficos. He is also the editorial coordinator of the international peer-reviewed open access journal "Lo Sguardo" as well as the editor of the international peer-reviewed journal "Azimuth. Philosophical Coordinates". He constantly contributes to several other academic journals and collective volumes. His current research areas are: theory of intellective substances in Francisco Suárez and the Second Scholasticism; historical genesis of the Cartesian dualism; theories of imagination in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Age; metaphysics and logic in Pedro da Fonseca.
Patrícia Calvário currently is an integrated member of the Institute of Philosophy, University of Porto. She is researcher in the project ?Identidades conversas: descreimiento, asimilación, mística, nueva ortodoxia? (The University of the Balearic Islands; Department of Philosophy) and in the project ?Iberian Scholastic Philosophy at the Crossroads of Western Reason: The Reception of Aristotle and the Transition to Modernity? (Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Porto). Dr. Calvário completed her PhD at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Porto, with a thesis on byzantine philosophy and hesychasm, titled ?Metaphysics of light and the ?absorption? of the body by the Spirit in the thought of Gregory Palamas?. Her PhD research was the first of its kind, wherein she analysed the concept of light in Gregory Palamas (1296-1359). In this research she proposed a metaphysical interpretation of the thought of Gregory Palamas about light, a proposal that is absolutely new in the scope of the Palamite studies. This research was fully funded by FCT, and it acquired the highest score from philosophy panel (2014). An English version of her PhD thesis is under progress. Dr. Calvário contributed to several research projects. In the last 5 years she has published in numerous international and national venues (journals and books).
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