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© 2025 From Data to Wisdom
Página actualizada a 17-02-2020
Página impressa a 12-03-2025

Steering Committee

José Higuera

José Higuera is a Post-Doc researcher at the Institute of Philosophy of the University of Porto and the Responsible of the project "From Data to Wisdom". His career as a researcher begins as a founding member of the Instituto Brasileiro Raimundo Lúlio (São Paulo-Barcelona). He has developed his doctoral and postdoctoral studies in institutions in Spain, Germany and Brazil. His research profile is outlined by the study of conceptual transformations in the history of science and philosophy from a long-term perspective. He has been publishing works in which he has shown the factors of "regressive continuity" -from modern to medieval- in items as the mathematization of nature, the theory of knowledge, the representation of sciences, and the division of disciplines and its performing transformation. He has mainly focused his research in the Iberian region with a view to track the dissemination of the philosophical tradition and the use of scientific instruments from Middle Ages to Modernity.



José Meirinhos

José Meirinhos is a Full Professor at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Porto and Professor of Ancient Philosophy and Medieval Philosophy. He is the Director of the Department of Philosophy, the President of the Portuguese Society of Philosophy and the President of the Society of Medieval Philosophy (Spain & Portugal). At the Institute of Philosophy of the University of Porto, he is the Principal Investigator of the thematic line "Medieval & Early Modern Philosophy" and of the research group "Aristotelica Portugalensia. The Reception of Aristotle in Portugal until the 18th Century". He is the Principal Investigator of many funded projects and the Editor of several scientific journals and collection of books. His main scientific activity is in the fields of ancient, medieval and early modern Philosophy, with interest in theories of mind and knowledge, political theories, systems of science, history of Aristotelianism, medieval studies and manuscripts.



Alberto Romele

Alberto Romele earned a Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of Verona. He is Associate Professor in philosophy of technology at the ETHICS Lab of the Lille Catholic University. He is also part-time lecturer at the University of Paris Nanterre. He has been research fellow at the University of Verona, Assistant Professor in contemporary philosophy at the University of Burgundy (Dijon, France), Post-Doc researcher of the FCT (the Portuguese National Research Foundation) at the University of Porto and Post-Doc researcher at the Fonds Ricoeur ("Oratoire-Ricoeur" fellowship) in Paris. His research focuses on technological imaginaries, hermeneutics, and theories of the digital.



© 2025 From Data to Wisdom. Página actualizada a 17-02-2020
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