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© 2025 From Data to Wisdom
Página actualizada a 17-11-2020
Página impressa a 13-02-2025

The Rhetoric of Complexity

Workshop "The Rhetoric of Complexity: Portraying Data Visualizations"


Pamplona March 25th-27th, 2020

[Postponed due to the Covid19 pandemic: to April 2021.]

Big-Data is not exactly an enormous amount of information that someone could envision. Rather, is a selected range of quantified and qualified raw data whose consequence is a framework, a structured assortment of information about almost everything, for instance, the costumers' emotional behavior or the history of literary characters. Once obtained, Big-Data requires a sort of visual narrative that allows us reading and diving into the data structure. The issue to explore in this workshop is how to develop patterns of visualization regarding precise requirements, and the way to get narrative depictions of data in order to accomplish reading methods that allow us to attain multiple perspectives about a set of available information. Furthermore, from this endeavor would arise a groundbreaking rhetoric of visualization.

This workshop has three sections: the first one (midday 26th, March) will deal with Medieval logical trees, and it will be held by GEP-UNAV; the second one is a set of papers on the specific challenges about data visualization (25th-26th March); and, the third one (27th, March) is a collective construction of a digital tool in order to develop a digital-storytelling that will gather different examples of Medieval visualizations, and it will be coordinated by Calibro Studio (Milan).


25th March (Edificio Amigos M7)


From Texts to image: data visualization and textual hermeneutics

Luca Possati (Porto)

Squaring always the circle: Medieval Arabic diagrammatic representations and their implications

Michel Kabalan (Porto)

Coffee Break

Working against the clock: data visualization in the newsrooms

Alicia Arza (Pamplona)

The Datafication of the Worldview

Alberto Romele (Lille)


Designerly Approaches to Digital Humanities Projects

Giorgio Uboldi (Milan)

Mapping as a Contemporary Instrument for Orientation in Conferences

Dario Rodighiero (Boston)


12.00 - 14.00 (Edificio Ismael Sánchez Bella-Philosophy Department- Seminar 2280:

El árbol de Porfirio: fuentes y recepción de un diagrama lógico en el Tractatus de Pedro Hispano

José Higuera (Porto)


16.00 - 17.00 (Edificio Amigos M7)

Building digital tools for digitized archives

Daniele Guido (Luxembourg)

Coffee break

17.30 - 18.30
Working Session on FDTW Project Visualization-Tool

27th (Sede Digital-UNAV, Ed. Periodismo) 

10.00-14.00 (Coffee break at 12.00)
Working Session on FDTW Project Visualization-Tool 


Alicia Arza (UNAV-Pamplona)

Calibro (Milan)

Daniele Guido (C²DH-Luxembourg)

José Higuera (IF-Porto)

Michel Kabalan (IF-Porto)

Luca Possati (IF-Porto)

Dario Rodighiero (MIT-Cam. Mss.)

Alberto Romele (UC-Lille)


Ana Azurmendi (Pamplona)

Sara Barrena (Pamplona)

José Higuera (Porto)

Lídia Queiroz (Porto)


GEP-UNAV (Pamplona)

Digital-UNAV (Pamplona) 


© 2025 From Data to Wisdom. Página actualizada a 17-11-2020
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