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Página actualizada a 03-11-2020
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The tables of the Arbores significantes beatitudinum ordines in Lambert of Saint-Omer's Liber Floridus

Speaker: Naïs Virenque (Université Catholique de Louvain)

26th November 2020

17h (Portugal) / 18h (Central Europe)

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Around 1120, Lambert of Saint-Omer wrote the Liber floridus, a vast encyclopedic compilation of one hundred and sixty-one chapters. The Liber floridus aims at providing an overview of knowledge thanks to textual descriptions and numerous composite images, narrative as well as iconic or diagrammatic. It attests the 12th century enthusiasm for visual tools helpful for a learning reader/spectator to access wisdom. One of them has been very few studied, probably because of its tabular form and its graphical aspect, less elaborate than other diagrams of the book. It classifies eight trees called Arbores significantes beatitudinum ordines. My presentation will seek to understand whether this diagram operates as a visual tool for memorization and exegesis.


Arbores significantes beatitudinum, Liber Floridus,Lambertus a S. Audomaro, (Saint-Omer, 1121), Ghent, University Library MS 92, 139v-140r


The tables of the Arbores significantes beatitudinum ordines in Lambert of Saint-Omer's Liber Floridus


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Naïs Virenque

PhD in Art History, specialized on the mnemotechnic and cognitive function of icon texts from the Middle Ages to Early Modern Times, especially when they are shaped into trees. Currently postdoctoral researcher at the Université Catholique de Louvain in the Group of Early Modern Cultural Analysis. Research project about classifying minerals into diagramas from the 13th to the 18th century. Interested in the visual circulations of knowledge and practices in Europe and comparative iconology. Associate researcher to the Center for Advanced Renaissance Studies, Tours Associate researcher to the French Research Center in Humanities and social Sciences, Prague.

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