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© 2024 PAPSin - Fotos: Yuiza M
Rivera, Irandina Afonso e Maria João Couto
Página actualizada a 14-03-2024
Página impressa a 27-07-2024


Philosophy and Public Space International Network

The purpose of this Network is to establish a group of international researchers that address and debate, from a transdisciplinary perspective, the notions of public space and city within contemporary political and social representations and dynamics. The intention is to operate an effective exercise of epistemic intersection between emerging experience and knowledge as necessary and constituent elements of discourses and practices in this field of inquiry and intervention.

PaPSIN was founded in 2019 by the RG Philosophy and Public Space of the Institute of Philosophy of the University of Porto (FIL/00502), and financed by the FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT is the Portuguese national funding agency for science, research and technology).

© 2024 PAPSin - Fotos: Yuiza M. Rivera, Irandina Afonso e Maria João Couto. Página actualizada a 14-03-2024
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