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Philosophy of the City Journal

Call for Papers: Inaugural Issue 2022-12-01

The Philosophy of the City Research Group will celebrate its 10th anniversary in 2023. It was founded as a forum to bring together scholars from different philosophical traditions - as well as those working on inter- or trans-disciplinary topics - who take the city as a topic of enquiry.

The last ten years have seen the establishment of an annual conference series and summer colloquia, in addition to a variety of special issues and edited volumes, all of which have furnished new conceptual foundations, methodological approaches, and practical case studies. The Philosophy of the City Journal is established as a means to build on this work offering a venue for original research into the philosophy of the city.

Cities have long been the place where philosophy takes place, yet have not often been the object of philosophical analysis. This is a norm that needs to change. As the world continues to urbanise, cities increasingly function as loci for the social, political, and ecological challenges of the 21st century. There is a need to apply the tools and approaches of philosophical enquiry to both the city in general and different cities in particular.The philosophy of the city should be understood as a set of problems without a canon: problems about (but by no means restricted to) the ontology of cities, urban aesthetics, inclusivity, public space, justice, and political expression. In seeking to help answer these problems, philosophers of the city contribute analyses of urbanism, city life, urban planning, urban design, infrastructures, and others. These analyses themselves contribute to our proper understanding and evaluation of cities in their myriad of forms.

We invite philosophical contributions from scholars from all relevant disciplines. In addition to philosophy, these disciplines include but are not restricted to: urban design and planning, geography, political science, sociology, science and technology studies, design history and theory, and architecture history and theory. All philosophical contributions will undergo full double-blind peer review.
In addition, we welcome book reviews, as well as interdisciplinary, experimental, multimedia, and other submissions in non-traditional formats, as long as they fall within the ambit of the journal. These contributions will not undergo full review, but will undergo review by the editorial board.

To be guaranteed for consideration for the inaugural issue, we ask that potential contributors submit their papers before the 31st of March, 2023. Papers received after that date may be considered for later issues.


PaPSIN Editorial Collection

Volume I (2022): Common Good

In the last few decades, a wide range of circumstances, agents, interests and values have operated transformations in the social, political, environmental, economic, urban and technological dimensions of human life. In such transformative contexts, the common good has been profoundly threatened, particularly by its identification with individual goods or interests, its reduction to the sphere of utility, or a lack of accountability on the part of citizens in the creation and safeguarding of the common good.The present and the future of the common good thus resurfaces as a crucial, interdisciplinary issue in contemporary debates and interventions. What reconfigurations and articulations of the common good can we formulate and operate today? What challenges to its construction and practice can we identify and/or anticipate? How can we contribute to raising awareness for the common good and its problematization?The first volume of the PaPSIN Editorial Collection, to be published in 2022, welcomes the diversification and expansion of these initial suggestions through original and unpublished studies that consider the transformations, challenges and opportunities operated in the common good and for the common good.

Proposal submission (600 words max): 21st March 2022
Final text submission: 21st May 2022

E-mail for submissions -

Editorial guidelines (EN) here.

FILOSOFIA Revista da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto
Volume 39 (2022): Filosofia e catástrofe

Editor convidado: Tiago Mesquita Carvalho

Processo de submissão:
* 31 de dezembro de 2021: envio de resumos (300 a 1000 palavras, em Português, Alemão, Castelhano, Francês ou Inglês)
* 15 de janeiro de 2022: notificação dos resumos aprovados
* 01 de julho de 2022: receção dos artigos
* 01 de outubro de 2022: publicação

Contactos para envio ou para questões: |&|

Normas editoriais

© 2025 PAPSin - Fotos: Yuiza M. Rivera, Irandina Afonso e Maria João Couto. Página actualizada a 13-12-2022
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