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© 2024 PAPSin - Fotos: Yuiza M
Rivera, Irandina Afonso e Maria João Couto
Página actualizada a 08-04-2024
Página impressa a 27-07-2024

Philosophy of the City International Conference 2024

October 2-4, 2024

Instituto de Filosofía - Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales

CSIC - Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas

The Philosophy of the City Research Group (POTC RG) is a global community of scholars dedicated to understanding the city and urban affairs. 

Presentations on any philosophical issue about cities are welcome. Some topics include housing, local governance, conceptualizing cities, urban policy, infrastructure, distribution, urban aesthetics, recognition, urban technologies, water issues, food and the city, street art, gender, energy, mobility, city life, urban culture, justice, the city in philosophy's history, discrimination, public space, immigration, examining specific cities, urban expansion, and defining the city. Presentations can be in English or Spanish. Philosophical papers on Madrid are especially welcome.

Keynote Speakers:

Judith Green, Fordham University

Roberto Goycoolea Prado, Universidad de Alcalá

For individual submissions, provide abstracts of about 300 words. Questions?

Submission Portal: 

Deadline: May 3, 2024. Notifications: Before May 24.

More informations here.

© 2024 PAPSin - Fotos: Yuiza M. Rivera, Irandina Afonso e Maria João Couto. Página actualizada a 08-04-2024
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