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© 2025 PAPSin - Fotos: Yuiza M
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Página actualizada a 15-07-2024
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Cordial bioethics and algorithmic democracy for a hyperdigitalised society

Project's reference: PID2022-139000OB-C22
Funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain
Duration: from September 2023 to December 2026
PI: Patrici Calvo Cabezas (Universitat Jaume I, Spain) and Elsa González Esteban (Universitat Jaume I, Spain)

Funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation, BIOCORDIAL is part of the coordinated project "Discursive Ethics and Democracy in the face of the challenges of artificial intelligence" between the Universitat Jaume and the Universitat de València. This project focuses on two functional areas of the hyperdigital society: health and democracy. Each of them has a general objective. Firstly, from a dialogical and cordial ethics, to offer a frame of reference and the corresponding ethical guidelines to orientate and adapt the principles of bioethics to the digital context, as well as to the design, application and use of artificial intelligence in bioethical contexts. Secondly, from a critical and deliberative proposal of democracy, guidelines will be proposed to address a digital transformation of democracy that recovers, guarantees and/or increases the participation of civil society in the different democratic processes (decision-making, conflict resolution, construction of public opinion, election of representatives, development of public policies, etc.) and avoids the loss of responsibility of algorithmic contexts.

Exclusion, Belonging and the Commons. An Urban Approach to the Theory of Justice

Project's reference: R&D Project /PID2020-120021GB-100/
Financed by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/
Programme: Programa Estatal de Fomento de la investigación Científica y Técnica de Excelencia
Duration: from September 2021 to August 2024
PI and coPI: Francisco Colom González (IFS - CSIC, Spain) and Ana López Sala (IEGD - CSIC, Spain)

This project explores the idea of justice in urban contexts. There is no consensus in the social sciences about what type of human produce a city is. Its definition cannot therefore serve as a point of departure for its moral and political appraisal. A different approach is needed. The relation between space and social agency has been a matter of contention since the emergence of urban sociology. The reflection on the city has been traditionally charged with normative and philosophical overtones as well. Philosophy was born in the ancient polis and made of it its matter of concern, for the gist of the urban has a communal dimension that cannot be reduced to a mere aggregation of individual needs. To tackle the problems involved in the redress of contemporary urban inequality and exclusion, we need to gain a spatial perspective on the idea of justice that not only accounts for the constitutive elements of the urban habitat or the distributive conflicts involved. Such approach must be guided to the same extent by the possibility of developing the human capabilities.

Erasmus+ DITE

Project's Reference: 2021-1-PL01-KA220-HED-000031129
Programme: LLP 2007-2013 - LLP 2007-2013 - Lifelong Learning Programme
Sub-Programme: ERASMUS - ERASMUS
Financing Institution: EUROPEAN COMMISSION
Competitive Financing/Financial Geographic Scope: International
Nº. of participant institutions: 06
Duration: from November 2021 to October 2024

DITE focuses on the element of internationalisation to increase capabilities of future teachers by sensitising TE students to international perspectives. We know from the Erasmus Impact Study 2014 and various follow-up studies that mobility is not the solution if we want a large percentage of students (90%+) to be reached by internationalisation. Therefore, DITE relies on internationalisation at home (IaH) to develop a model of globalised teacher education through diverse internationalisation with a focus on students becoming teachers in upper secondary education. 

ETHNA System
Ethics Governance System for RRI in Higher Education, Funding and Research Centres

Grant agreement ID: 872360
Programme: H2020 - Horizon 2020
Financing Institution: EUROPEAN COMMISSION
Competitive Financing/Financial Geographic Scope: International
Nº. of participant institutions: 10
Duration: from January 2020 to June 2023
Coordinator: Elsa González- Esteban (Universitat Jaume I, Spain)
This project corresponds to the Swafs call of Horizon 2020, and it will implement and validate an ethics governance system by integrating an ETHNA office into the management of six organisations from the consortium: two universities, one of which is the UJI, two centres that finance research and two Technology Parks from Spain, Norway, Estonia, Bulgaria, Austria and Portugal. The ETHNA office is backed by four tools: a code of ethics, an Ethics Committee, an ethical line of warnings and suggestions, and indicators to inform about RRI being met. So the intention is to contribute to put into practice institutional changes in EU research and innovation structures from an ethical perspective to promote and institutionalise RRI, whose basic pillars include research ethics and integrity, gender equality, open science and citizen commitment.
The Practical Ethics and Democracy research group that leads this project, led by Prof. Domingo García Marzá, contributes its experience in setting up management systems of ethics in organisations. Moreover, the UJI Rights, Gender and Effective Equality between Men and Women Group, coordinated by Prof. Santiago García Campá, contributes by generating indicators for different RRI dimensions. 

Ensinar a ver: Comunicação e educação na Tecnopolis | Teaching to see: Communication and education at Tecnopolis

Reference: 59478
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD); Câmara Municipal Vila Real; Instituto de Filosofia (IF)
Competitive Financing/Financial Geographic Scope: National
Duration: from 2009 to 2016. 

PI: Joaquim José Jacinto Escola (UTAD), Paula Cristina Pereira (FLUP-IF), Ana Maria Ferreira Bastos (UTAD)

In the face of the (technological) iconosphere, communication requires a greater mastery of languages, especially iconic languages. The aim of this project was to promote the audiovisual and information literacy of teachers, educators and, at the same time, students, by creating learning situations from which they could develop communication skills, learn to construct messages using different languages and, in this way, promote critical thinking and civility.

Science, Technology and Society: Multilineal Study of Knowledge and Action Communities on Cyberspace

Reference: FFI2009-07709
Programme: Plan Nacional del 2009 de Ministry of Science and Innovation (Spain)
Subprogramme: FISO
Competitive Financing/Financial Geographic Scope: International
Duration: from January 2010 to December 2013

PI: Ramón Queralto Moreno (University of Seville)

The project is an in-depth analysis of the communities of knowledge and their social actions, which have been generated from the use of new telecommunications. Central hypothesis: supported by well-known facts, is that these communities generate, today and probably to a greater extent in the future, rich and valuable knowledge, as well as social actions with effective results.

© 2025 PAPSin - Fotos: Yuiza M. Rivera, Irandina Afonso e Maria João Couto. Página actualizada a 15-07-2024
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