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Página impressa a 12-03-2025

Transhumanism and the Future of Humanity

21-22 October 2021| Online Conference

Keynote speakers

Luca M. Possati, University of Porto
Maria João Couto, University of Porto
Newton Lee, Institute for Education, Research & Scholarships (USA)
Paul Jorion, Catholic University of Lille
Robert Frodeman, University of North Texas
Tiago Carvalho, University of Porto


21 October 2021

9h00 - 9h30 | Greetings and introduction

9h30 - 10h10 | Paul Jorion (Catholic University of Lille): Transhumanism and the Future of Humanity

10h10 - 10h30 | Discussion

10h30 - 11h10 Maria João Couto (University of Porto): The post-human condition. Statements on uncertainty

11h10 - 11h30 | Discussion

11h30 - 12h10 | Steven Gouveia (University of Minho): A critical analysis of the mind-uploading hypothesis

12h10 - 12h30 | Discussion

12h30 - 15h00 |  Lunch Break

15h00 - 15h40 | Robert Frodeman (University of North Texas): Hyper-Modernity or Post-Modernity: On Whether More Science and Technology is a Good Idea

15h40 - 16h00 | Discussion

16h00 - 16h20 | Anna Puzio (Munich School of Philosophy): The Human Being as an Algorithm - An Examination of Transhumanism and its Anthropology

16h20 - 16h40 | Bertrand Guillaume (University of Technology of Troyes, European University of Technology): Teilhardian Thought and Charbonneau's Critique in Retrospect: A Philosophical Inquiry into Transhumanism in the Anthropocene

16h40 - 17h00 |  Roman KrzanowskiPawel Polak (Pontifical University of John Paul II): Novacene: James Lovelock's vision of Transhumanism

17h00 - 18h00 | Discussion


22 October 2021

9h00 - 9h40 | Newton Lee (Institute for Education, Research, and Scholarship): Is Transhumanism the answer to UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?

9h40 - 10h00 | Discussion

10h00 - 10h40 | Luca Possati (University of Porto): Four criticisms of Transhumanism

10h40 - 11h00 | Discussion

11h00 - 11h40 | Tiago Carvalho (University of Porto): Technological Gnosticism and "Nontade" in Hermínio Martins

11h40 - 12h00 | Discussion

12h00 - 15h00 | Lunch Break

15h00 - 15h20 | Kamila Kwapinska (Centre for Critical Thought, University of Kent): The Political Agency of Robots and Technological Evolution

15h20 - 15h40 | Jaroslav Malík (University of Hradec Králové): Wrestling with the posthuman: Understanding the relationship between technology and human autonomy

15h40 - 16h00 | Cian Brennan (University of Glasgow): Moderate Enhancement: A Non-Radical Path to Radical Enhancement

16h00 - 16h20 | Discussion

Final Greetings

* Zoom link available by request at *

More informations here

Luca M. Possati (IF-UP);
Paula Cristina Pereira (IF-UP)
RG Aesthetics, Politics & Knowledge (APK)
RG Philosophy and Public Space (PPS)
Instituto de Filosofia da Universidade do Porto - FIL/00502
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT)
U.Porto e Banco Santander - Programa Santander Universidades

Images: left - GNMSS by Senecal 2006, via DeviantArt; right - Abstract Digital Human Face, Maksim Tkachenko, 2019.

© 2025 PAPSin - Fotos: Yuiza M. Rivera, Irandina Afonso e Maria João Couto. Página actualizada a 12-05-2022
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