Editiones electronicas
Digital editions of the works attibuted to Petrus Hispanus
Electronic editions are available at the platform Scholastic Commentaries and Texts Archive (SCTA), edited by Jeffrey Witt: https://scta.lombardpress.org/ (given that the platform is still under construction, a stable address for Petrus Hispanus is yet to be provided).
Open access editions (SCTA plataform)
- Tractatus / Summulae logicales (new transcription of ms. Tarragona, Library of the Palacio Arzobispal, cod. 2, by M. Correia)
- Commentaius in De anima I-II (new edition, by C. López Alcalde)
- Liber naturalis de rebus principalibus (revised edition of M. Alonso’s edition (1957) by J. Higuera)
- Expositio librorum Beati Dionysii (revised edition of M. Alonso’s edition (1957) by J. Rebalde - M. Ramos, encoded by J. Rebalde)