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Congreso Internacional: 'El diálogo de las lenguas: la emergencia del pensamiento en vernáculo (siglos XIII-XVI)'

International Congress

Dialogue of Languages: the Emergence of the Vernacular Thought (13th-16th Century)

17 y 19 & 24 y 26 de mayo | May 2021

The translation and writing of philosophical or scientific texts in vernacular language largely accompanied the circulation paths driven by aristocratic and commercial interests. These were influenced earlier by Scholasticism (c. 13th-14th) and after by Humanism (c. 15th-16th), a fact which was mainly focused on: historical and encyclopedic works (Vincent de Beauvois, Brunetto Latini, Roberto Anglicus, vestigia philosophorum, Poridat de poridades), ethics and practical life (Aristotle, Boethius, Cicero, Seneca, Christine de Pizan), and also scientific disciplines such as astronomical and medical texts among others. In the mid-14th century, legal treatises on civil and commercial affairs (Eiximenis, Oresme) were published, together with a large number of opuscules about spiritual and courtly love (Dialoghi d'amore, Il cortegiano); those publications took place in parallel with the dissemination of the Germanic mysticism. 

The implementation of logical and metaphysical vocabulary, from late scholasticism to vernacular, was an instrument of the emergence of thought that, on the one hand, avoided the strictness of this tradition, and, on the other, was collected by empowered circles and figures (Duarte I, D. Pedro, Alfonso de Cartagena, Pedro Simón Abril, Alfonso de la Torre, Álvaro Gomes, among others in the Iberian context). Vernacular languages were of key importance for the prompt diffusion of knowledge that characterized modernity, though this involved some hesitation and experimentation. Another example of the circulation of knowledge are the anthologies of proverbs or adagia of which La philosophia vulgar by Juan de Mal Lara is an example. Likewise, the vernacular versions of Aristotle's natural philosophy, as well as medical handbooks, some of those attributed to Pedro Hispano, or the astronomical manuals by Ibn Ezra, mention just a few examples that could be found in the same context. The vulgar began to appear as 'illustrated' language -from the 13th century onwards- in which a fresh expression of the philosophical knowledge, as much as the political groups that sought to overcome the ignorance of the ancient languages, was consolidated. This was accentuated by the Babelian fragmentation, which became a source of creation and innovation.

Cuaderno de Resúmenes  / Book of Abstracts 

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Programa / Program (short version)

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Cuaderno de Resúmenes / Book of Abstracts On Issuu

Información / Information:

Más información en / more at:

From Data to Wisdom. Philosophizing Data Visualizations in the Middle Ages and Early Modernity (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-029717)

Medieval and Early Modern Philosophy TL Instituto de Filosofia U.Porto

Departamento de Filosofía y Sociedad, Facultad de Filosofía de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid

© 2025 From Data to Wisdom. Página actualizada a 05-05-2021
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