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© 2025 Instituto de Filosofia da FLUP
Página actualizada a 27-06-2011
Página impressa a 23-02-2025


Imago mundi - Filosofia medieval em texto e tradução 1 (IM.FMTT-1)
Imago mundi - Medieval Philosophy in Text and Translation (IM.MPTT-1)




Imago Mundi has six main objectives: 1) the publication of an important set of works of medieval philosophy in bilingual academic editions; 2) the use of translation as intrinsic task and technique of the philosophical work for the study of an important and long period of the history of thought; 3) the study of an extensive textual corpus and the conceptual and argumentative network that emerges in it; 4) the association of the activity of experts from several Portuguese universities and other countries in a common project that intends to promote the direct study of philosophical texts and their different traditions; 5) the promotion of regular meetings for philosophical discussion of the work carried out and publication of the corresponding proceedings; 6) the dissemination of the research work carried out in international meetings and in academic publications.
During the first stage (2009-2012) the interest will be on fundamental authors, works, subjects and traditions of the medieval thought. During the second stage (2012-2015) and as a result of the research priorities arising from the work carried out, the interest will be extended to lesser known authors, especially from the 14th and 15th centuries, essentially Commentaries on Aristotle and on the Sentences by Peter Lombard, Summae, Quodlibetal Questions. Due to his massive extension, these works may not be completely translated, but rendered through thematic collections gathering texts by several authors (for example, about ideas, being, universals, matter, causality, truth, free will, power, happiness, etc.). The panorama of the fundamentals of medieval philosophy will benefit in coherence in the combination of the two stages.

From 3-year period foreseen for the first stage of the project it is expected to achieve a broad and diversified overview of the philosophy of the medieval period, including at least works translated from Latin, Arabic and German. The selected works, of relevant dimension and representative of each author and theme, intend to convey the fundamentals of the different philosophical domains: logics, language, knowledge, nature and sciences, metaphysics, ethics and politics.
So that it is possible from the reading of these works to result a perception of completeness, they will be completely translated, with only one exception, due to the dimension of the works and because it is possible to extract from them thematic cores of autonomous reading.

The project will hold regular meetings (permanent seminar) between the researchers, the translators involved (around 15) and the foreign consultants to discuss the work being carried out at that point and the work completed, as well as to plan the following tasks. Three international colloquia will be organised.

Each volume will include:
a) Introductory study and relevant literature: introduction to author, study of the work;
b) Bilingual text, with the Portuguese translation and the source text; it is guaranteed the use of the best editions available;
c) Possible annex materials according to what is necessary for each work: notes, glossaries, indexes.
The works to be published follow a consecrated model in academic editions but for a vast audience; an effort will be made for the editions to be launched on the market at an affordable price, having into account the financing guaranteed by this project, but also guaranteeing the literary, typographic quality and the durability of the volumes.
All volumes will be published in the collection Imago mundi. With this collection of books of medieval philosophy, it is also intended to introduce in the Portuguese panorama a standard of books of large dissemination and with a high academic standard, through bilingual editions, thus enhancing the source language of the translated author, focusing the attention of the philosophy reader on the text itself and making the reading and interpretation a core component of the philosophical work.
The editions will be published in regular intervals. Two or three at a time, to focus and benefit from marketing process.

© 2025 Instituto de Filosofia da FLUP. Página actualizada a 27-06-2011
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